2 min read

pink bumblebees, perfect combination of look and taste

Only a couple of my fruits look real pink, but I'm not going to quibble. This is the best tasting tomato we grew this year.
pink bumblebees, perfect combination of look and taste

I kept thinking that the Pink Bumblebee tomatoes (60-70 days, indeterminate) should be ...well, pink. Its color is actually more pink-red (also described as "fire-engine red") with a slight yellow, orange and green stripes. Only a couple of my fruits look real pink, but I'm not going to quibble. This is the best tasting tomato we grew this year. It has a sweet tomato flavor, but it does not have an overwhelming sweetness like other cherry tomatoes. It is the perfect combination of look, taste, and firmness, and is easily our favorite tomato this year. Great for snacking right off the the plant!

The Pink Bumblebee tomato is one of Artisan™ seed's pride.  The breeder says that the fruit should be picked when the tomatoes are light pink, before significant softening.  "Flavors change with different stages of ripening, and growers are encouraged to try all ripeness stages, starting with those where there are still green streaks on the shoulders of the fruit."

Pink Bumblebee Tomato - Artisan Seeds
Pink Bumblebee is a true-breeding cherry tomato we bred on our farm. It is a pink cherry tomato with yellow stripes. Pink Bumblebe’s flavor is bright and very sweet. It is an indeterminate vine and grows well in containers and in the ground. Pink Bumblebee is a good producing vine that needs to…

This tomato has strong stems and could be a prolific one. Except that I pruned mine quite severely in late spring as I tried to train them over a hoop.  I'm considering caging these next growing season with sucker pruning  limited to the lower bottom only, and not topping off until late in the season. Are we growing these Pink Bumblebees again? Absolutely. This is top of our list for growing next year.