
Welcome to Blooms & Greens, our adventures in a Pacific Northwest garden. Our cover photo for October is of a Western Columbine taken at the Kenai Fjords National Park (via NPS/Paige Calamari). This flower appropriately puts the wild in a wildflower! This one is known as "Aquilegia Formosa" is a mesmerizing beauty whose spurred petals is also a reminder of an eagle's talons. And oh, how gorgeously wild it is!
This rag will mostly be about gardening here .... here, in the shadow of the Olympic Mountains (though but there may be some "side trips" along the way). Mostly, we hope that the garden will tell us some delightful stories as we journey from season to season and year to year with it.
Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime, if you'd like to receive emails when new content is published! We hope you'll tag along on this adventure.
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